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At times, I am on top of my shit. I spend time researching D&D vinyl maps and order one. I don’t let myself ever run out of Diet Coke. I always put the bathroom mat back on the tub lip to dry and close the shower curtains after every shower.

But sometimes, like the hairdryer, like the bathtub, I’ll just let things stay a little broken for a long, long time. I’m not sure what got missed in my brain that I’ll look at something inconvenient and just be like ‘well this is my life now’ when it could be fixed. Like the scratch and dent on the side of my car when someone got a little too close in my apartment parking lot . . . four years ago. Or when the visor in the driver’s seat broke so I trained myself not to touch it for, yep, four years until my dad fixed it in ten minutes this summer.

All to say, I remember thinking about a year and a half ago that I should buy new underwear. TMI, but underwear gets worn and stretches and tears and gets holes in the fabric and I’m assuming most people stop using them and buy some new pairs at that point. But you know, I didn’t. I’ll buy Taylor Swift tickets no problem but the cost of a couple of packs of underwear just seemed like too much.

I don’t think I’ve bought new underwear since spring 2019. I went into a TJ Max (I think) and found a Calvin Klein pack on sale and it was so thrilling to have underwear that fit (at the time I had lost some weight).

I’m not sure how often you’re supposed to underwear shop but I’m guessing it’s more often than that?

Okay, I just googled it and apparently “if you’ve had your underwear for more than 6-12 months, most experts recommend you consider replacing them”. Who are these underwear experts?

Look, I’m not completely hopeless because I finally ordered six brand-new pairs that arrived today and threw out every old pair that had holes in them. Which, you know, was maybe half of what I had.

Those experts must be onto something too because putting on a new pair had me walking around my home without wearing pants. Eventually, I got cold, it is January, but there is nice security wearing undergarments that actually fit.

So . . . PSA that you’re supposed to buy new underwear more often? And that it feels good to have new underwear? And it’s really not that expensive?

Cool. Good talk.

With Love,
