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If only every Saturday were like this one.

Sleeping nine, nearly ten hours. I wonder if my body has rested, truly, in months, and now I want to take the time to restore when I can.

Snowed in but not responsible for plowing or shoveling (the condo association fees earn their keep). Only a little over an hour of work, which isn’t ideal but I’m spreading it out this weekend, and it goes quickly with my show on in the background as I schedule emails for Tuesday morning.

A burst of inspiration and I go for a short run (it’s been way too long). Probably would have made more sense to want to run in the warm, clear roads winter we’ve had up until this point . . . but what do you do? I go up and down the road, muscles creaking and cold air burning my throat, but I don’t slip.

My brother and I play Baldur’s Gate 3 on co-op in the late afternoon. It’s new to us but we only kill the entire party once. I watched a few tutorials on the control panel and if I borrow my mom’s gaming mouse it might get easier. We’re thinking of playing again tomorrow. I have so much gratitude for getting to spend this time with my brother, like we’re kids playing video games together again.

I started reading a new book, a novella gifted to me by a friend and coworker when I saw them in December for book club: To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers.

My place is clean, the laundry’s almost done, and the Fantasy High bits never get old. Plus, Naddpod had a new episode of the main campaign after nearly a month’s break for the holidays.

I might make hot chocolate before bed.

With Love,
