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It rained in Kihei yesterday, for most of the afternoon. Apparently Kihei usually only sees ten inches of rain a year and half the quota was met yesterday. After a windy, but dry, walk to breakfast in the morning (and a delicious meal of french toast, bacon, eggs, and cheese grits), we took the beach route back home and watched the growing waves devour the shoreline.

The rest of the day was quiet by Morgan family standards. We read, played video games, napped, puzzled, watched movies, or got antsy in turns all while listening to the rain showers rebound off the roof and soak the lanai. We had plans to head over to another town but the rain kept us locked inside in forced downtime. But even though I felt exceedingly lazy camping out on the couch and going through a bag of chips while reading — and breaking out a beer just after three (Bikini Blonde from the Maui Brewing Company), this too is what vacation is about.

I had done a smidge of work yesterday morning and not doing more left me with that distinct “ignoring responsibilities” feeling that I’m pretty good at brushing aside but was distinctly unjustified. It takes a few days to truly disconnect — thank God for a long vacation. And thank God for long hours reading. I started the All for the Game trilogy by Nora Fakavic this week and it reads like really good fanfiction to me — I can’t get through them fast enough.

We’ll have plenty of sunny days left here in Maui, plenty more activities and adventures, but it was nice to have at least one at home. Maybe it’s just what I needed.

With Love,
