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One time my friend Zia and I made a batch of Puppy Chow, proceeded to immediately consume the entire bowl and spun into sugar high drunkenness where I tried to teach her yoga poses (I don’t know yoga) and we played charades that somehow ended with the dictionary being pulled out. We were in late elementary school and both of us remember it as one of the weirdest times we’ve had together, and we’ve been actually drunk together since.

Making puppy chow with friends, particularly with Zia, has been a tradition since early childhood. Last night we recreated it virtually, hopping on FaceTime as we each made a half batch in our respective kitchens (she lives in New York). Unlike our childhood, I was able to open a bottle of wine while she mixed up a margarita.

Drinks and sugar in hand, we then watched Bend It Like Beckham together on Hulu, another classic of our childhood that holds up and is the biggest missed opportunity for a gay movie that either of us has ever seen. Zia mentioned that they had originally planned on making it queer but it was “too much” on top of having a British Indian lead. So fuck you too 2002. Holding out for the remake, but it’s still an amazing movie.

The dose of nostalgia last night was refreshing and it was nice to do something new with my oldest friend, and oldest virtual friend. Z & I haven’t lived in the same city since we were seven. Between this and all my movie marathons last month with Lin & Cara, I’m getting pretty good at virtual watch parties if anyone needs tips.

With Love,
