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A new person. That’s what I feel like after my two-hour deep tissue massage at Milk + Honey this morning.

It was honestly the best massage I’ve had in my life.

I think something about the length allowed me to slowly pull out of my stress and the bouncing thoughts about work and sink into the moment of all that tension being released. I could just be present with my body and when my thoughts wandered they did so aimlessly and not to stressful topics.

I walked about feeling like everything I was stressed about didn’t matter. That I would handle it and it wouldn’t be a big deal. And that I could spend the first real day with my mom since she arrived in Austin.

My mom felt the same way after coming out of her own two-hour massage. There was something special happening at Milk + Honey this morning. The experiences I always have there have really ruined other massages for me (thus far). It’s a luxury, but so worth it.

I’m so grateful for the forced relaxation to get me out of my head and back into the moment.

With Love,
