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I ranted about A League of Their Own a couple of years ago, the 1992 movie with Tom Hanks. To quote my friend, my conclusion was ‘make it gay, you cowards!’.

Fast forward and we have the new Amazon Prime show A League of Their Own that I have spent my afternoon binging (don’t judge, I’m still sick) and they . . . they did it. They made it gay. So, so gay. Just on the screen, integral to the story, more representative of actual history queer as fuck.

The two-second nod to Black women they gave in the 1992 film now has equal plot and screentime with the team of white women players.

I’m not finished with the season yet, but I think the writing is excellent (I’ve laughed and cried), and I love the cast. You’ll recognize Abbi Jacobson (from Broad City) and D’Arcy Carden (who played Janet in The Good Place) as two of the leads.

We should all be watching this show.

With Love,
