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Christmas Day 2020 — the day we brought ping pong balls into the hot tub and played our own version of “hot tub pong” (one of many working titles…).

Two balls, fluorescent orange, and we changed the lighting to aquamarine so we could see them more clearly after the sun had set. My mom’s plastic wine glass — neatly emptied of its contents in the first part of our soak — became the floating target. With the jets on it was impossible for us beginners. With the jets off . . . still extremely difficult.

You would’ve thought we three were little kids the way we kept tossing the ping pong balls at the floating cup. It tipped and swayed and sank when too much water got in. Eventually, we all landed shots and then some more. There were no rules really, just a free for all of rebounds and celebrations.

This was a small moment in a good Christmas (that was filled with brunch, and WW84, and facetime calls with friends and family, and more cheesecake . . . ). But I thought it was a first worth documenting.

With Love & Merry Christmas,
