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  1. The internet. It works. It’s fast. My face is so clear on the video calls. Wow. Zoom filter is killing it today.
  2. This monitor is killer too, it adjusts up and down and is 10x clearer than mine.
  3. Okay this may be the best one: In Madison, there is food delivery. GrubHub to my door. A club sandwhich. One of the best I’ve ever had. Is this heaven or was it just a tough day?
  4. This house is nice and big and contain all the big feeling I’m carrying for everyone and feeling myself today.
  5. After work, my brother and I can pick up pizza to eat with Nana and Bumpa. Casual family. I love that.
  6. After that, we can play video games and chat. Casual family again. More hearts.
  7. Working in a new environment . . . and being here not for work . . . is a good reminder of what’s really important. Tough day, sure. But it was a good day because I am here with family.

With Love,