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It’s a short work week! And with Thanksgiving on Thursday, it’s also a good opportunity to practice some extra gratitude in the workplace. Practicing gratitude as part of your professional life helps build a healthy work culture by inspiring others to perform more acts of kindness and keeping your team engaged and happier.

Here are five easy things to do this week:

  1. Write down one thing you’re grateful for and share it with your team
  2. Give someone public recognition (in an email, slack channel, or during a meeting)
  3. Notice the small things. At the end of the day take a moment to reflect on three things that went right today. 
  4. Create a digital gratitude folder. When you get an email that means a lot to you, move it to a gratitude email folder for compliments and projects you’ve accomplished. A gratitude gift to your future self . . .
  5. Write a haiku about something you’re grateful for (the simplest instructions are: 3 lines, 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables). Here’s a quick one about my Sunday afternoon:

Dad bought a new game / We play to go to the moon / Always we are home 

With Love,