- Card games — rummy & cribbage
- Burgandy meatballs
- Japenese romcoms
- Movie theaters — one, two, three
- Walks & runs on the trail
- Two big cats on the kitchen counter
- Sausage Stromboli
- Red Wine
- Facetime with the Madison family
- Bunch-A-Crunch in popcorn
- Sitting on the counter, watching the cooking while chatting
- Hugs from my mom
- Red nails, red shirt, red scarf
- A gift that makes me cry with my mom’s memories in her own handwriting
- Potato pancakes in our pajamas
- Holiday lights and bad traffic
- Christmas music on Alexa
- A day I don’t check my work email at all
- A two-hour deep tissue massage
- A wine tasting in a beautiful town square on a beautiful sunny day
- Lefse, lefse, lefse
- Home Alone
- More of my mom’s hand-me-downs
- A homemade peppermint scrub
- A week full of love
With Love,