It’s eighty degrees We walk, she sleeps, and I sweat Summer days pass by With Love, Natalie
Ten Years
I still remember what the office looked like the first time I walked in for an interview. Twenty-two and clueless and lucky. I had an […]
Things you don’t want to happen at midnight
It’s eighty degrees In the middle of the night When the AC breaks With Love, Natalie
Morning walk with her The Suffs soundtrack makes me cry She delays her tears With Love, Natalie
New Addictions
Now some things have changed I play the Wordle archive While she sleeps on me With Love, Natalie
Running D&D Again
Two months later and A six-week-old little girl Back to DM-ing With Love, Natalie
Afternoon Snooze
She naps in my lap Two hours this afternoon Everything for this With Love, Natalie
It’s all okay
You’re meant to never hurt . . . never feel any pain When you cry, I cry With Love, Natalie
July Afternoon
She wears sunglasses While I read philosophy On the balcony With Love, Natalie
Spider-Man Movie Rewatches
They line up the cranes Or he stops the city train Then I cry, cry, cry With love, Natalie