I had my writing accountability hour with friends tonight and got to work on some character sheets for the two main characters in my “Lake […]
100+WWC January Giving Circle
My mom is awesome Two hundred and sixty-four Thousand dollars, wow Learn more here: https://100wwcdoorcounty.org/ With Love,Natalie
January Sun
Zero degreesYet the sun’s reflectionOn the snowLights up the afternoonIt doesn’t warm my cheeksBut it does warm my soul I’ve passed my share of bright […]
Is it boredom?
I’ve been trying to name what I’m feeling. In her book Atlas of the Heart, Dr. Brené Brown defines boredom as “the uncomfortable state of […]
A small antidote: distanceAnguish into memoryMoments pass, years passFor better, for worse, time crashes forwardWe find our legs, we find our breath(we lose it again, […]
Happily Ever After
“Happily ever after only lasts if you have six minutes to live.” That’s what Dr. Laurie Santos said on the We Can Do Hard Things […]
The Basics
The basics. Always back to those. Move. Sweat. Stand Up. Socialize. Connect. Laugh. Read. Learn. Enjoy. Drink water. Breathe. Sleep. I’m working on it. Always. […]
Writing Update: Plot Bunnies
Do we still call them plot bunnies? Those new story ideas that hop around in your head. They stay there, insistent, and often split your […]
Good Writing
One of the best parts about being a writer is that your friends are also writers and you get to read their work and those […]
The wanderer and the tree
I found it! I wrote a poem about a tree and wanderer when I was fifteen-ish that once in a while gets in my head. […]