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My mom had her quarterly meeting for a non-profit she founded this evening: 100 Women Who Care of Northern Door County. It’s a local branch of a larger organization. The goal: bring together local women, who each give $100, to support a local nonprofit and give them a big influx of cash at once. If you get 100 women together, that’s $10,000.

In the two years since it’s inception, the quarterly award is up to $19,500 and they’ve raised over $138,000 in those two years. Which is a big fucking deal.

This was the first all virtual meeting tonight so it required a certain brand of technical prep learning Zoom and coordinating speakers and panelists and figuring out how to do a webinar. My mom is very tech savvy, so no problem, but getting everyone else to feel comfortable requires a handful of practice runs. And then she facilitates the whole meeting so practiced for the last couple of days. It’s fun to be up and close and part of it now that I’m here, even if it did mean I heard the presentation three or so times.

I’m just . . . very proud to have her as my mom. Look at this website — she built it herself! Look at this community of women — she built this herself too. I know she would say it wasn’t just her, but everyone coming together, but she’s the glue, the momentum, the heart.

With love,
