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My mom’s nonprofit, the 100+ Women Who Care Door County had their quarterly Giving Circle meeting tonight — in person for the first time since January 2020. She got the outdoor venue, the Peg Egan Performing Arts Center, in Egg Harbor and we couldn’t have had a better night for it.

I’ve written about her nonprofit before but the short of it is that local women get together four times a year and hear presentations from local nonprofits (nominated and then drawn out of a hat the meeting before). Then, members vote on who should receive the award. Everyone writes a check to the nonprofit and they end up with a big influx of cash (100 Women + $100/each = $10,000 . . . our award pool is now north of $20,000). It’s a big win for the winner (and the runner-ups receive a smaller award too) and a big win for our whole community to support these programs.

People also join to meet and be social with other like-minded, philanthropic women.

Tonight went really well. I cut out of work a little early to help with the setup and floated around doing different tasks during the event (like monitoring the live stream for questions and helping count ballots) and there were a lot of other volunteers (including my brother who came up from Madison to do the Livestream and take photos and my dad who helped set up and breakdown the event).

Honestly, it was just fun energy as members showed up with their own chairs and brought a picnic to hang out in the grassy event space. I was even social and introduced myself to a lot of people . . . I’m technically representing part of the marketing team for the organization.

Like every quarter when the meeting occurs, I’m overwhelmingly proud of my mom. She built something really great and now has a whole team building it with her. To be on the nose: there really are a lot of women who care.

With Love,
