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I hosted a trivia for one of work teams today and since the majority of them are cat people (as am I) I spent time before my workday started making a cat trivia quiz. I learned something by googling random cat facts, and now so can you:

  1. Cats have 230 bones in their body
  2. A group of kittens is called a kindle
  3. Isaac Newton is credited with creating the cat door
  4. Félicette went to space in 1962, the first and only cat to do so
  5. The (recorded) oldest cat, Cream Puff, lived to be 38 years old.
  6. House cats and tigers share 95.6 percent of DNA
  7. A house cat can travel up to 30mph
  8. A litter of kittens can have multiple fathers
  9. Polydactyl cats, cats with extra toes, are commonly called Hemingway cats
  10. Ancient Egyptians would shave off their eyebrows after their pet cat died.

If you didn’t know, now you know.

With Love,
