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We saw an incredible new musical today at the Northern Sky Theater: Sunflowered. It was the world premiere — something cool about Northern Sky Theater that I learned was they always support and do original shows. This one was a musical about a group of six women reuniting to camp for a weekend in Peninsula State Park.

I wanted to see the show when I got the leaflet in the mail — I had been craving a musical — but this show really exceeded expectations. It made me cry. It made my mom cry a lot more. It explored female friendships and relationships (familial and romantic) with depth and humor and love. The show was also much more diverse than I realized — it was written by a two Black women (Aidaa Peerzada & Lachrisa Grandberry . . . Lachrisa Grandberry also starred in it and did the music and lyrics) . . . and it was queer! Like, the only relationship in the show was between two women and it was a prominent plotline.

A chat with the “Sunflowered” authors

I would probably see it again even — maybe get the soundtrack? The music was on point.

I’m in awe of the talent that we have in this little corner of the world. I’ve seen so many good performances in Door County this summer across all the theaters up here — Peninsula Players, Door Shakespeare, and now Northern Sky.

With Love,
